Professional’s Night Featuring Steve Thompson
You may have noticed a number of emails in your inbox regarding an event called “Professional’s Night.” This on-going networking event is open to all brothers of the Alpha Delta Phi in or around the Twin Cities area.
After a successful inaugural event, Professional’s Night has started featuring some of our noteworthy brothers in the ADPhi Professional Network.
At a crowded table inside the Bulldog North East, Steve Thompson Minn. ’95 of Microsoft Corporation lent the fraternity his time and his expertise. Thompson explained his transition from a Political Science major from the College of Liberal Arts to a taking a leadership role in a highly technical field.
“I did a lot of consulting for many different clients to start my career,” Thompson said. “It took a lot of hard work and networking, but soon found myself at Microsoft.”
Thompson, as a former alumni and active president, is no stranger to leadership. “I took what I learned from the fraternity and my college courses and applied it to every client I worked with to ensure that the job was done correctly,” Thompson said. “People noticed.”
Members of all ages and generations shared their professional perspectives. From former U.S. Congressman Bill Luther Minn. ’67 to recent alumni Dan Johnson Minn. ’11 and Dan Hassing Pennisular ’10, brothers spent the evening connecting and sharing ideas.
“I enjoyed speaking with generations of alumni about his professional work,” Johnson said. “As a member new to the alumni network, I felt welcomed and engaged in great networking and conversation with industry professionals.”
Johnson could be seen discussing everything from how to begin your own consulting business to politics with Thompson.
Former U.S. Congressman Luther made his way around the table to meet with members of the ADPhi Professional Network and to speak with Thompson.
“It’s been years since I’ve been able to meet with such a great group of Alpha Delts on a day other than Founder’s Day,” Former Congressman Luther said. “I’m quite pleased that events like Professional’s Night are happening and I look forward to many more.”
Check your email inbox for messages regarding upcoming Professional’s Night events.
For more information or to request to become a Featured Alumni for an upcoming event, please contact John Komarek at