Inaugural Professional’s Night is a Success!
Multiple chapters connect, network and build the ADPhi Professional Network
Inside Ginger Hop in Northeast Minneapolis, alumni from Minnesota, Illinois and Peninsular chapters convened for the inaugural “Professional’s Night.” This on-going networking event is open to all brothers of the Alpha Delta Phi in or around the Twin Cities area.
For some, it’s a chance to catch up and find out about his fellow brothers’ professional careers.
“It’s amazing how quickly you can lose touch with brothers from your own chapter,” Dave Schnizlein, Minn. ’07 said. “It was great to hear about what others were working on and making connections that could help me advance my career or take it in a new direction.”
For others, it’s a chance to make new connections with members from other chapters and to expand a professional network.
“Wherever you are in the world, you know that there are brothers out there, but beyond Founder’s Day, there aren’t many opportunities to connect with them,” Bill James, Ill. ’80 said. “At Professional’s Night, I was able to meet many up-and-coming brothers with marketable skills and talent.”
And for one, it provided an opportunity to connect with brothers after returning to begin his professional career in his home state.
“As an Alpha Delt who went to college out-of-state, I didn’t necessarily get to meet many of the Minnesota brothers,” Dan Hassing, Pennisular ’10 said. “After meeting the group in Minneapolis, I’m excited to be a part of the ADPhi Professional Network.”
Check your email inbox for upcoming Professional’s Night events and about the addition of “Featured Alumni” who will attend and address the group.
For more information about Professional’s Night or to request to become a Featured Alumni for an upcoming event, please contact John Komarek at